Proctor Rails

Regular Season Stats (Leaders)

All | Regular Season | Playoffs
All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 21.7 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Plate Appearances PA
1. Wyatt Mineheine 29
2. Tanner Ross 28
3. Nick Terhaar 26
4. Tyler Berglund 25
5. Cooper Johnson 24
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Dylan Davidson 6
2. Wyatt Mineheine 6
3. Tyler Berglund 4
4. Cooper Johnson 3
5. Tanner Ross 3
Batting Average AVG
1. Wyatt Mineheine .455
2. Tyler Berglund .389
3. Tanner Ross .333
4. Cooper Johnson .286
5. Dylan Davidson .235
On-Base Percentage OBP
1. Wyatt Mineheine .571
2. Tyler Berglund .440
3. Dylan Davidson .435
4. Tanner Ross .429
5. Cooper Johnson .375
Slugging Percentage SLG
1. Wyatt Mineheine .591
2. Tanner Ross .500
3. Tyler Berglund .444
4. Nick Terhaar .409
5. Cooper Johnson .286
Bases on Balls Percentage BB%
1. Dylan Davidson 26.1
2. Wyatt Mineheine 21.4
3. Tyler Berglund 18.2
4. Cooper Johnson 12.5
5. Nick Terhaar 12.0
Strikeouts Percentage SO%
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
1. Wyatt Mineheine 1.20
2. Nick Terhaar 1.00
3. Tyler Berglund 1.00
4. Dylan Davidson 0.75
5. Cooper Johnson 0.75
Note: A minimum of 4 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average per Seven Innings Pitched ERA/7
1. Nick Terhaar 1.40
2. Tyler Berglund 1.66
3. Wyatt Mineheine 3.00
Innings Pitched IP
1. Tyler Berglund 25.1
2. Nick Terhaar 10.0
3. Wyatt Mineheine 7.0
4. Tanner Ross 1.1
5. Antrell Yoki 0.1
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Wyatt Mineheine 6
2. Tyler Berglund 5
3. Nick Terhaar 4
4. Tanner Ross 0
5. Antrell Yoki 0
Hits per Seven Innings Pitched H/7
1. Nick Terhaar 2.80
2. Wyatt Mineheine 3.00
3. Tyler Berglund 4.42
Bases on Balls per Seven Innings Pitched BB/7
1. Tyler Berglund 1.38
2. Nick Terhaar 2.80
3. Wyatt Mineheine 6.00
Strikeouts per Seven Innings Pitched SO/7
1. Nick Terhaar 18.20
2. Wyatt Mineheine 15.00
3. Tyler Berglund 6.36
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
1. Nick Terhaar 6.50
2. Tyler Berglund 4.60
3. Wyatt Mineheine 2.50
Note: A minimum of 8 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Fielding Percentage FPCT
1. Tyler Berglund 1.000
2. Aj Reyelts 1.000
3. Cooper Johnson .959
4. Wyatt Mineheine .875
5. Tanner Ross .875